
Analysis is used to configure analysis services which are provided to your customer. An analysis service can be attached to method or being provided as stand-alone service only. To understand how the configuration of an analytics service works, we will now take you through the configuration process step by step. Analysis services are one ... Weiterlesen ...


Method is used to setup your laboratory methods. In the first tab Method you can configure all basic informations such as the ERP-UID which can be used to identify the service for exports, the Title of the Method and the Edition. If the method is in subcontration then the check botton can be activated. The ... Weiterlesen ...


Qualification is used to set approvals for employees to perform certain tests associated to a specific method. Therefore you are able to create qualifications certificates to create a qualification matrix of each employee.            


Certificates are used to manage approvals of instruments that are ready to be used in your daily laboratory routine. You need to give it a title and set the date when the approval becomes valid (Valid from) as well when it will end (Valid till). Afterwards you have to select the employee of charge who ... Weiterlesen ...


Priority is used to prioritize samples and projects which can be used as groups for filtering.


Technique is used to group Analysis Services such as elemental analysis or gravimetry.

Instrument Types

Instrument Types are used to group instruments of different kind such as LC, GC or ICP-OES. These groups are used afterwards at Instrument to e.g. filter records.    

Cloud or not cloud?

Cloud applications and the underestimated risks of web-based software deployment Web applications are a risk factor that is too often underestimated. Companies too often and trustingly rely on web-based provision of software to save IT costs or to outsource the responsibility of data provision and backup. Even if the cloud is convenient to access, storing … Weiterlesen …

Cloud oder nicht Cloud?

Cloudanwendungen und die unterschätzten Risiken webbasierter Bereitstellung von Software Webapplikationen sind ein Risikofaktor das zu oft unterschätzt wird. Unternehmen setzen zu häufig und vertrauensvoll auf eine webbasierte Bereitstellung von Software, um IT-Kosten zu sparen oder die Verantwortung der Datenbereitstellung und -sicherung auszulagern. Auch wenn die Cloud komfortabel im Zugang ist, so gefährlich ist die Speicherung … Weiterlesen …

LABDESK LIMS – Implementierung und Herausforderungen

Labor Informations- und Managementsysteme (LIMS) helfen den Laboralltag zu meistern, indem Arbeitsvorgänge automatisiert und der administrative Aufwand begrenzt wird. Aufgrund der Vielzahl von Verwaltungs- und datenintensiven Lenkungsaufgaben, in der sich immer schneller drehenden Laborwelt, ist der Einsatz eines LIMS ein wesentlicher Meilenstein. Wegen der Komplexität einer LIMS Implementierung ist jedoch ein grundlegendes Verständnis des Aufbaus ... Weiterlesen ...